10 Feb 2018

How to Set a Private Git Server on Raspberry Pi

Git is a fantastic version control system for many reasons. Sometimes I think if the Raspberry Pi could be used as a git server in my home, all my Git repos will have their own private server. Finally I made it.

What you need

Of course a Raspberry Pi. Mine is a Raspberry Pi 3 model B and this tiny server works fine. If you want to save your cost just choose an older version but you have to make a blance between spending and performance.
A TF card is necessary for a Raspberry Pi (at least you need to install OS on the TF card.) The storage depends on how large are your repositories.
That’s all for me. Maybe you need a monitor. How I control the Pi is to use an SSH client such as PuTTy, secureCRT or Xshell. PuTTy is a free, open source one.
I will write another article about how to start SSH service for a Pi for the first time use after installing operate system without monitor.

Add a group and a user for git

Let’s create a new group and new user for git, and name it “git”, set the password “git” as well.

adduser --system --shell /bin/bash --gecos 'git version control by pi' --group --home /home/git git        
passwd git     
su git

Add a new git repository

Let’s come to the path you just created,

cd /home/git

We need to create a new folder for the repository, and make it a real repository folder.

mkdir pete.git
cd pete.git
git --bare init

I named the folder with my name. Change it to whatever you want.

Push your code to the Pi

You need to know the IP of your Pi. If you are using a monitor, simply input ifconfig in the terminal as a normal Linux computer. Or scan the Pi’s IP with the tool Advanced IP Scanner.

Then you could add a new git remote with the command below

git remote add pi git@[IP of the Pi]:/home/git/pete.git

Now you can add your codes in this folder, then push them to the Pi

git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git push pi master

Test it

Try to clone the repository on your PC with Git Bush terminal with a line command

git clone git@[IP of the Pi]:/home/git/pete.git

ref: http://shumeipai.nxez.com/2014/02/15/git-build-private-server-raspberry-pi.html